Thursday, January 15, 2009



I had a new medical procedure done this week. I have always had trouble with heartburn and the doctor wanted to perform an endoscopy but I was always too afraid. Who wants a tube the size of a garden hose going down your throat. I even have problems swallowing a vitamin pill.

First of all they put you to sleep during the procedure and secondly the scope going down your throat is the new and slim model. It takes about an hour from the time you arrive until you leave and there was no sore throat afterwards. The only post procedural side affect was a little bloating of my stomach and I was sleepy the rest of the day. You must bring someone with you to take you home.

The doctor said I had a moderate amount of erosion of my lower esophagus and a hiatal hernia. He took some cold biopsies and I should have the results by next week. The whole point of getting a endoscopy is to determine if you have esophageal cancer or have indications that you might get cancer in the future and try to prevent it.

I am now taking a drug to prevent acid from forming in my stomach and am supposed to change my diet- no citrus fruits, chocolate, caffeine, spicy foods. Also I am supposed to eat smaller more frequent meals. This is supposed to stop reflux of food into my esophagus (GERD).

I will post results of the biopsy next week. Wish me luck.


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